Feel free to call us: 612-584-3111

senior woman in a wheelchair holding the hand of a caregiver

Companionship Care is a form of home care offering non-medical services to older adults or people with disabilities. The purpose of companionship care is to offer company and friendship. Our goal is to primarily give emotional support, socialization and may help patients with a variety of tasks including:

A. Light Housekeeping
B. Planning and Preparing Meals
C. Monitoring and Recording Patient’s Development
D. Transportation
E. Reading a book aloud and playing games
F. Accompanying the patient for a walk outside

The primary purpose of Companionship Care is to spend time with the patient. If you or your loved one enjoys independence, but is struggling with everyday activities, get companionship care services. Companion care will let you have healthy social interaction while helping you with your household chores. Our caregivers will take care of you or your loved ones with love and respect that all of you deserve.

Contact us to know more about how we can help you better.